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Unlocking the power of hydrogen

To power your business

To power your building.

Transforming excess renewables into power.

 Powerhouse: abundant and versatile.

Building the next-generation infinit

infinite hydrogen
zero emission
fuel generator

modular hydrogen, free emission, solution.


Transform your excess power into hydrogen on-site and reconvert it into electricity or heat whenever needed. ATOM, a cutting-edge technology and comprehensive system solution, delivers heating and electricity to your business, ensuring complete self-sufficiency year-round.


modular design redefines

limitless energy potential

Introducing ATOM

Discover our groundbreaking, secure, and compact solution, featuring plug-and-play hipermodular stacking system.

It’s designed to adapt seamlessly to any energy demand, accommodating up to 5 vertical storage modules, while also allowing system expansion by horizontally adding new base modules.

How it works?

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Base module

Storage module

Storage tank


Favorable weather conditions

On days when renewable energy generation is optimal, the supplied energy is converted into hydrogen and stored in a solid state for future use.

Renewable           Electrolysis                Storage
energy                                                           tank

Potential users

Prototype presentation

Our partners


Imagine creativity center


Farside ventures


Industrial design engineering university

Backed by

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Instituto químico de sarrià


Imagin bank


Protofy xyz


Our team

News & Press

Awards, News & Press

Contact Us

Contact us

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